Inner TRIM3 Masthead


Filter: simulation='childcareexp'

displaying records 1-340 of 340

1ChildCareExp_1_1(0) InactiveUNKNOWN
2ChildCareExp_1_2(0) InactiveUNKNOWN
3ChildCareExp_1_2_1(0) InactiveUNKNOWN
4ChildCareExp_1_3(0) InactiveUNKNOWN
5ChildCareExp_1_4(0) InactiveUNKNOWN
6ChildCareExp_1_5(0) InactiveUNKNOWN
7ChildCareExp_1_5_Custom_NoDemEligTest(0) InactiveUNKNOWN
8ChildCareExp_1_6_1(0) InactiveUNKNOWN
9ChildCareExp_NSAF(0) InactiveUNKNOWN
10ChildCareExp_1_6(0) Inactive2000-11-02 11:04:13
11ChildCareExp_1_7(0) Inactive2000-11-02 11:05:15
12ChildCareExp_1_8(0) Inactive2000-11-02 11:06:43
13ChildCareExp_1_9(0) Inactive2001-02-12 17:28:13
14ChildCareExp_2_0(0) InactiveReplaced Program Rules InitialEligibilityLimit and ContinuingEligibilityLimit with LowerEligibilityLimit and HigherEligibilityLimit. Added program rules HigherEligibilityReason and HrsWorkOption. Added options to IncomeDisregardFormula and EarnedIncomeDeductionFormula.2001-03-14 10:43:52
15ChildCareExp_2_1(0) InactiveAdded Table C19.2001-04-26 16:50:32
16ChildCareExp_2_3(0) InactiveUpdated options for 1999 Copay program rules. Added Table C20. Changed summary tables to reflect new "Assigned a Copayment" column.2001-06-14 11:27:04
17ChildCareExp_2_4(0) InactiveUses NSAF Expense variable instead of imputation when running on NSAF data unless expense is zero and head/spouse were not working/in school during survey month.2001-06-25 15:06:05
18ChildCareExp_2_5(0) InactiveChanged Table J1 such that families with no income would not show up on the table at all (i.e. percentages do not add up to 100%).2001-06-27 12:18:25
19ChildCareExp_2_6(0) InactiveAdded AnnualChildCareExpense variable2001-10-23 19:18:29
20ChildCareExp_3_0(0) InactiveIncorporated major NSAF changes to look at reported childcare expense using expense to earnings ratio rather than reported amount. Changed student definition in table C20: Only students with 0 hours worked per week are counted as students. Re-introduced bug in calculating OtherPublicAssistance for to get numbers to match numbers from Version 2.1. Re-introduced bug in table C7 counting an eligible-age sibling of a financially eligible disabled child as being eligible, to get numbers to match V2.1.2001-11-14 14:58:19
21ChildCareExp_3_1(0) InactiveEliminated bug in table C7 automatically counting eligible-age siblings of financially eligible disabled children as also being financially eligible. Added AFDCMonthly output variable.2001-11-30 13:07:04
22ChildCareExp_4_0(0) Inactive2002-03-07 13:33:23
23ChildCareExp_4_1(0) Inactive2002-03-07 16:28:11
24ChildCareExp_4_2(0) Inactive2002-03-07 17:52:05
25ChildCareExp_4_3(0) Inactive2002-03-08 12:00:21
26ChildCareExp_4_4(0) Inactive2002-03-08 12:29:33
27ChildCareExp_4_5(0) Inactive2002-03-08 13:10:21
28ChildCareExp_4_6(0) InactiveBuilt in changes allowing user to run eligibility portion of model on NSAF data2002-03-08 16:13:46
29ChildCareExp_5_0(0) Inactive2002-06-20 14:20:18
30ChildCareExp_5_1(0) Inactive2002-06-20 16:20:02
31ChildCareExp_5_2(0) Inactive2002-06-20 16:36:36
32ChildCareExp_5_3(0) Inactive2002-06-20 17:08:05
33ChildCareExp_5_4(0) Inactive2002-06-20 17:32:38
34ChildCareExp_5_5(0) Inactive2002-06-20 17:43:49
35ChildCareExp_5_6(0) Inactive2002-06-20 18:04:05
36ChildCareExp_5_7(0) Inactive2002-06-20 18:22:59
37ChildCareExp_5_8(0) Inactive2002-06-21 11:00:53
38ChildCareExp_5_9(0) Inactive2002-06-21 11:01:10
39ChildCareExp_5_11(0) Inactive2002-06-21 11:01:27
40ChildCareExp_5_12(0) Inactive2002-06-21 12:50:44
41ChildCareExp_5_13(0) Inactive2002-06-21 14:20:11
42ChildCareExp_5_14(0) Inactive2002-06-21 15:29:55
43ChildCareExp_5_15(0) Inactive2002-06-24 09:51:26
44ChildCareExp_5_16(0) Inactive2002-06-24 10:20:01
45ChildCareExp_5_17(0) Inactive2002-06-24 11:08:08
46ChildCareExp_5_18(0) Inactive2002-06-24 11:47:50
47ChildCareExp_5_19(0) Inactive2002-06-24 12:22:06
48ChildCareExp_5_20(0) Inactive2002-06-24 14:15:38
49ChildCareExp_5_21(0) Inactive2002-06-24 14:32:56
50ChildCareExp_5_22(0) Inactive2002-06-24 16:01:34
51ChildCareExp_5_23(0) InactiveMake values for output variables HeadHrsWorked, SpouseHrsWorked, FamilyGrossIncome, and CCUnitNetIncome get written to everyone and not just eligibles2002-07-06 21:00:42
52ChildCareExp_6_0(0) InactiveVersion based on 5.23 that works with MySQL on ChironUNKNOWN
53ChildCareExp_6_1(0) InactiveReplace call to WeeksPerMonth_kludge (the hardcoded ChildCareExp lookup table) with WeeksPerMonth (the hardcoded frame lookup table). Since the ChildCareExp table only went up to 2000, I'm hoping this bug didn't make a mess of the existing 2001 eligibility runs. (It shouldn' havet: the bug only affects the expense portion of the model, which hasn't been run on 2001 data yet.)UNKNOWN
54ChildCareExp_6_2(0) InactiveSave WeeksPerMonth (the commun.h version) to Test2MonthlyUNKNOWN
55ChildCareExp_6_3(0) InactiveSame as 6.2; compiled with frame having MySQL versions of Convert and MakeUNKNOWN
56ChildCareExp_6_4(0) InactiveRebuild v6.3 with latest version of frame hoping it solves WeeksPerMonth problemUNKNOWN
57ChildCareExp_6_5(0) Inactiveadd local WeeksPerMonth variable, copied over from commun.cpp. I'm too tired to care about getting CCE to read the frame version.UNKNOWN
58ChildCareExp_7_0(0) Inactive
  • Recompile for frame changes (March 2003 CPS).
  • 2004-02-17 13:50:52
    59ChildCareExp_8_0(0) Inactive
  • Add Elig_ChildIsEligible results variable, identical to IsChildEligible.
  • 2004-06-16 13:46:08
    60ChildCareExp_8_1(0) Inactive
  • Add Elig_ChildIsEligible results variable, identical to IsChildEligible.
  • 2004-06-16 14:13:23
    61ChildCareExp_8_2(0) Inactive
  • Add Elig_ChildIsEligible results variable, identical to IsChildEligible.
  • 2004-06-16 14:26:02
    62ChildCareExp_8_3(0) Inactive
  • My first shot at CCDF participation.
  • 2004-06-18 14:48:50
    63ChildCareExp_8_4(0) Inactive
  • CCDF participation, v2.
  • 2004-06-19 14:26:20
    64ChildCareExp_8_5(0) Inactive2004-06-21 16:23:41
    65ChildCareExp_8_6(0) InactiveRewrite HeadHrsWorked and SpouseHrsWorked2004-06-22 13:06:20
    66ChildCareExp_8_7(0) InactiveRewrite everything needed by FamilyGrossIncome2004-06-22 14:44:12
    67ChildCareExp_8_8(0) InactiveRewrite IsChildOnlyUnit2004-06-22 16:49:19
    68ChildCareExp_8_9(0) InactiveRewrite CCUnitNetIncome2004-06-22 18:23:39
    69ChildCareExp_8_10(0) InactiveMove up call to Expense.CalculateExpense() in Simulate() function.2004-06-22 18:47:48
    70ChildCareExp_8_11(0) InactiveWrite out variable EquationExpense, same as ChildCareExpense2004-06-23 11:29:43
    71ChildCareExp_8_12(0) InactiveWrite out variable EquationExpense, same as ChildCareExpense2004-06-23 11:42:21
    72ChildCareExp_8_13(0) Inactivenot gonna be pretty.2004-06-23 11:53:06
    73ChildCareExp_8_14(0) Inactivenot gonna be pretty.2004-06-23 12:03:37
    74ChildCareExp_8_15(0) Inactivenot gonna be pretty.2004-06-23 12:05:44
    75ChildCareExp_8_16(0) Inactiveattempt to fix writing SSIMonthly and ChildCareExp Sections to Results, by calling the Sections function in the pNonSections function first2004-06-23 12:18:33
    76ChildCareExp_8_17(0) Inactiveattempt to fix writing SSIMonthly and ChildCareExp Sections to Results, by calling the Sections function in the pNonSections function first2004-06-23 12:20:46
    77ChildCareExp_8_18(0) Inactiveattempt to fix writing SSIMonthly and ChildCareExp Sections to Results, by calling the Sections function in the pNonSections function first2004-06-23 12:37:25
    78ChildCareExp_8_19(0) Inactivecomment out changes to code, to try and get things back to version 8_15 and figure out why I'm getting that "wrong module name" error2004-06-23 12:46:46
    79ChildCareExp_8_20(0) Inactivesee if call to pSim->Income.SSIMonthly() by itself was causing the problem2004-06-23 12:50:20
    80ChildCareExp_8_21(0) Inactivetry to fix ChildCareExpense bit by writing EquationExpense only to head2004-06-23 13:26:17
    81ChildCareExp_8_22(0) Inactivetry to fix ChildCareExpense by doing ChildrenUnder15() test before writing results variable2004-06-23 15:01:43
    82ChildCareExp_8_23(0) Inactivewrite out SSIMonthly as Test1Monthly2004-06-24 11:17:33
    83ChildCareExp_8_24(0) Inactivefix bug forgetting to index Result->IsEligibleAgeChild by month!!!2004-06-24 11:45:33
    84ChildCareExp_8_25(0) Inactiveadd results variables ccunitincome, familyearnings, and ischildonlyunit2004-06-24 12:27:19
    85ChildCareExp_8_26(0) Inactiveredo HeadIsWorkEligibleStudent and SpouseIsWorkEligibleStudent2004-06-24 14:35:30
    86ChildCareExp_8_27(0) Inactiveredo ParentsWorkEnoughHours2004-06-24 15:28:42
    87ChildCareExp_8_28(0) Inactiveredo ParentsWorkEnoughHours2004-06-24 15:54:10
    88ChildCareExp_8_29(0) InactiveTEST v8.4: Add calls to HeadIsWorkEligibleStudent(), SpouseIsWorkEligibleStudent(), and ParentsWorkEnoughHours() so those output variables get written out to everyone, not just eligibles. This is to facilitate comparison with v8.28, which is not agreeing with v8.4.2004-06-28 15:16:44
    89ChildCareExp_8_30(0) Inactiverewrite booleans2004-06-28 15:53:32
    90ChildCareExp_8_31(0) Inactivefor pity's sake... remember to call InitializeDemEligVars()2004-06-28 16:22:41
    91ChildCareExp_8_32(0) Inactiveget rid of FractionOfNonExempt, EligibilityOfWelfareRecipients, and EligibilityOfUnemployed2004-06-29 11:04:25
    92ChildCareExp_8_33(0) InactiveRewrite OneParentIsIneligible and FamilyIsWorkEligible2004-06-29 11:56:43
    93ChildCareExp_8_34(0) InactiveRewrite OneParentIsIneligible and FamilyIsWorkEligible2004-06-29 13:08:33
    94ChildCareExp_8_35(0) InactiveRewrite IsFamilyKidEligible, IsFamilyCategEligible, IsFamilyEverCategEligible, IsChildCategEligible, IsChildEverCategEligible2004-06-29 13:49:22
    95ChildCareExp_8_36(0) InactiveRewrite IsChildEligible, IsChildEverEligible, IsFamilyEligible, IsFamilyEverEligible2004-06-29 15:26:04
    96ChildCareExp_8_37(0) InactiveOutput Test2Monthly as UnitIncomeLimit * AnnualInflationFactor to see if discrepencies are just rounding errors2004-06-30 15:00:26
    97ChildCareExp_8_38(0) Inactivere-order calls to copay stuff in simulate() function; make sure nothing changes2004-07-01 11:34:45
    98ChildCareExp_8_39(0) Inactivere-order calls to copay stuff in simulate() function; make sure nothing changes2004-07-01 13:36:45
    99ChildCareExp_8_40(0) Inactivere-order calls to copay stuff in simulate() function; make sure nothing changes2004-07-01 13:48:34
    100ChildCareExp_98_0(0) InactivePaul's latest version of CCDF participation (formerly 8_41)2004-06-24 08:22:33
    101ChildCareExp_8_42(0) Inactivere-order calls to copay stuff in simulate() function; make sure nothing changes2004-07-01 14:03:28
    102ChildCareExp_8_43(0) Inactivere-order calls to copay stuff in simulate() function; make sure nothing changes2004-07-01 14:15:31
    103ChildCareExp_8_44(0) Inactivere-order calls to copay stuff in simulate() function; make sure nothing changes2004-07-01 14:20:15
    104ChildCareExp_8_45(0) Inactiveget rid of call to IsEligChildWithinAgeRange() in PerformDataValidation() function2004-07-01 15:49:39
    105ChildCareExp_8_46(0) Inactivemove PerformDataValidation() back to CalculateCopay() function2004-07-01 16:04:40
    106ChildCareExp_8_47(0) Inactiveadd NumChildrenForCopayCalc() back to PerformDataValidation function2004-07-01 16:12:03
    107ChildCareExp_8_48(0) Inactiverewrite FewestHoursWorkedPerWeek2004-07-07 14:06:46
    108ChildCareExp_8_49(0) Inactiverewrite FewestHoursWorkedPerWeek2004-07-07 14:23:11
    109ChildCareExp_8_50(0) Inactiverewrite IsEligChildWithinAgeRange2004-07-07 14:38:03
    110ChildCareExp_8_51(0) Inactiverewrite DailyHoursOfCare2004-07-07 15:01:31
    111ChildCareExp_8_52(0) Inactiverewrite DailyHoursOfCare2004-07-07 15:31:30
    112ChildCareExp_8_53(0) Inactiverewrite DailyHoursOfCare2004-07-07 16:17:24
    113ChildCareExp_8_54(0) Inactiverewrite DailyHoursOfCare2004-07-07 16:39:18
    114ChildCareExp_8_55(0) Inactiverewrite IsEligChildRequiringCare and NumChildrenForCopayCalc2004-07-08 12:29:33
    115ChildCareExp_8_56(0) Inactiverewrite AnyOwnChildren2004-07-08 12:48:58
    116ChildCareExp_8_57(0) Inactiverewrite UnitSizeIdxForCopayCalc2004-07-08 13:30:22
    117ChildCareExp_8_58(0) Inactiverewrite AnySSIChildren2004-07-08 13:39:54
    118ChildCareExp_8_59(0) Inactivere-release 8_572004-07-08 14:40:39
    119ChildCareExp_8_60(0) Inactivechange SSIMonthly > 0 to SSIMonthly > 0.000012004-07-08 15:08:26
    120ChildCareExp_8_61(0) Inactivechange TANFIncOfWkingTANFParticipants2004-07-09 15:00:10
    121ChildCareExp_8_62(0) Inactivechange ChildOnlyUnitIncome2004-07-09 16:40:13
    122ChildCareExp_8_63(0) Inactivechange ChildOnlyUnitIncome2004-07-09 16:49:07
    123ChildCareExp_8_64(0) Inactivechange UnitIncomeForCopayCalc2004-07-09 17:23:23
    124ChildCareExp_8_65(0) Inactivechange UnitIncomeForCopayCalc2004-07-09 18:02:32
    125ChildCareExp_8_66(0) Inactivechange UnitIncomeForCopayCalc2004-07-09 18:21:34
    126ChildCareExp_8_67(0) Inactivechange UnitIncomeForCopayCalc2004-07-09 18:23:58
    127ChildCareExp_8_68(0) Inactivechange UnitIncomeIdxForCopayCalc and CopayValue2004-07-12 14:16:03
    128ChildCareExp_8_69(0) Inactiveoutput CopayType as Test2Monthly2004-07-12 18:04:33
    129ChildCareExp_8_70(0) Inactivecomment out PerformDataValidation()2004-07-12 18:42:04
    130ChildCareExp_9_0(0) Inactiveremove eligibility tests from copay calc and move ChildCareCopay() up before call to eligibility test2004-07-14 14:01:44
    131ChildCareExp_9_1(0) Inactivecomment out PerformDataValidation()2004-07-14 14:10:53
    132ChildCareExp_9_2(0) Inactiveadd householdid to error trailer2004-07-14 14:17:48
    133ChildCareExp_9_3(0) Inactivefix earlier mistake, change IsChildEligible test in IsEligChildWithinAgeRange() to IsEligibleAgeChild rather than eliminating it entirely2004-07-14 15:50:27
    134ChildCareExp_9_4(0) Inactivefix earlier mistake, change IsChildEligible test in IsEligChildWithinAgeRange() to IsEligibleAgeChild rather than eliminating it entirely2004-07-14 15:54:35
    135ChildCareExp_9_5(0) Inactivecomment out error check in AdjustForMultChild now that we're running the copay calc on all families with kids regardless of eligibility2004-07-14 16:00:52
    136ChildCareExp_9_6(0) InactiveRename Sections ChildCareExpense, AnnualChildCareExpense, ChildCareCopay, AnnualChildCareCopay, and CopayPerChild to names prefixed with Section_Temp_; put in results variables for the original names but don't do anything with them yet.2004-07-15 13:46:07
    137ChildCareExp_9_7(0) InactiveCreate Results variables Temp_Expense, Temp_Copay, and Temp_CopayPerChild which should be exactly the same as their Section_Temp_* counterparts.2004-07-15 15:56:50
    138ChildCareExp_9_8(0) Inactivechange SAVE_TO_HEAD to DO_NOT_SAVE for newly renamed Sections2004-07-15 16:13:06
    139ChildCareExp_9_9(0) Inactivechange SAVE_TO_HEAD to DO_NOT_SAVE for newly renamed Sections2004-07-15 16:25:51
    140ChildCareExp_9_10(0) Inactivecomment out registerVars for new results variables2004-07-15 16:48:23
    141ChildCareExp_9_11(0) Inactiverecompile 9_6 and see if that works2004-07-15 16:54:28
    142ChildCareExp_9_12(0) Inactiverecompile 9_8 commenting out changes and see if that works2004-07-15 16:58:11
    143ChildCareExp_9_13(0) Inactiveinitialize placeholder result variables (where sections used to be)2004-07-15 17:06:59
    144ChildCareExp_9_14(0) Inactivestart from 9_6, get rid of EquationExpense2004-07-15 17:09:54
    145ChildCareExp_9_15(0) Inactivestart from 9_6, get rid of EquationExpense, register Temp_Copay2004-07-15 17:15:29
    146ChildCareExp_9_16(0) Inactivestart from 9_6, get rid of EquationExpense, register Temp_Copay, Temp_Expense, Temp_CopayPerChild2004-07-15 17:17:44
    147ChildCareExp_9_17(0) Inactivestart from 9_6, get rid of EquationExpense, register Temp_Copay, Temp_Expense, Temp_CopayPerChild, write meaningful results to Temp_* variables2004-07-15 17:24:45
    148ChildCareExp_9_18(0) Inactivemove call to WriteSectionVars back to original place right after CalculateExpense2004-07-15 17:28:35
    149ChildCareExp_9_19(0) Inactivemove calls to WriteExpenseSectionVars() and WriteCopaySectionVars() to right after original invocation of respective Sections2004-07-15 17:34:08
    150ChildCareExp_9_20(0) Inactiveupdate Simulate() function and summary tables to write copay results variables to everyone if and only if the family is eligible, and look at those results variables rather than the temp or section temp ones in summary tables2004-07-16 11:34:34
    151ChildCareExp_9_21(0) Inactivetry once again to get rid of mystery "You may have the wrong module name" error2004-07-16 11:53:45
    152ChildCareExp_9_22(0) Inactivefix search-and-replace mistake in Table B2, write CopayPerChild Sections to results variables in procedure separate from ChildCareCopay since all values are coming up zero2004-07-16 12:33:02
    153ChildCareExp_9_23(0) Inactiveget rid of extraneous sections calls and hope to avoid "wrong module name" error2004-07-16 12:37:20
    154ChildCareExp_9_24(0) Inactiveget rid of extraneous sections calls and hope to avoid "wrong module name" error2004-07-16 12:38:22
    155ChildCareExp_9_25(0) Inactivefix error writing annual results as ints instead of floats, continue to be bewildered by why CopayPerChild isn't getting written out2004-07-16 12:51:49
    156ChildCareExp_9_26(0) Inactivetrying to figure out why CopayPerChild isn't getting written out2004-07-16 14:21:18
    157ChildCareExp_9_27(0) Inactivesee if I have better luck with NumChildrenForCopayCalc than CopayPerChild2004-07-16 14:29:13
    158ChildCareExp_9_28(0) Inactivetry and figure out small discrepencies in J* tables2004-07-16 14:50:04
    159ChildCareExp_10_0(0) InactiveIntegrate v9.x with v98.x2004-07-19 15:28:56
    160ChildCareExp_10_1(0) InactivePut participation decision in same monthly loop as eligibility. Ignore changed meaning of expense and copay variables.2004-07-19 18:02:57
    161ChildCareExp_10_2(0) InactivePut participation decision in same monthly loop as eligibility, and use continuing eligibility limit only if unit participates. Ignore changed meaning of expense and copay variables.2004-07-19 18:11:39
    162ChildCareExp_11_0(0) Inactivedelete unnecessary summary tables2004-07-20 11:05:21
    163ChildCareExp_11_1(0) Inactivedelete table B2A and rename tables C19 and C20 to C6A and C6B2004-07-20 11:23:31
    164ChildCareExp_11_2(0) Inactivedelete table J22004-07-20 11:36:28
    165ChildCareExp_11_3(0) InactiveReplace Result->Temp_Expense with Result->PotentialExpense, and replace Section_Temp_Expense() with Result->PotentialExpense.2004-07-20 12:27:14
    166ChildCareExp_11_4(0) InactiveAdd amount to debug error message when negative copay amount is calculated.2004-07-20 14:54:26
    167ChildCareExp_11_5(0) InactiveAdd amount to debug error message when negative copay amount is calculated.2004-07-20 14:57:50
    168ChildCareExp_11_6(0) InactiveAdd amount to debug error message when negative copay amount is calculated.2004-07-20 15:01:48
    169ChildCareExp_11_7(0) InactiveAdd amount to debug error message when negative copay amount is calculated.2004-07-20 15:05:45
    170ChildCareExp_11_8(0) Inactiveset negative copay amounts to 0 rather than throwing an error, but output flag to test1monthly2004-07-20 15:24:44
    171ChildCareExp_11_9(0) Inactive
  • Move all reporter-related code into the CCCReport class.
  • 2004-07-21 12:33:10
    172ChildCareExp_11_10(0) Inactive
  • Create CCCReport function "DoesUnitReportAssistance"and result variable "UnitReporterType".
  • 2004-07-21 14:37:06
    173ChildCareExp_11_11(0) Inactive
  • Create CCCReport function "DoesUnitReportChildrenInCare"and result variable "UnitReportInCareType".
  • 2004-07-21 16:53:41
    174ChildCareExp_11_12(0) Inactive2004-07-21 17:20:03
    175ChildCareExp_11_13(0) Inactive
  • Modify table B2 so annual copay for participants is annual rather than monthly amount.
  • 2004-07-21 17:39:38
    176ChildCareExp_11_14(0) InactiveMake sure every eligible child requires at least 1 hour of care.2004-07-22 11:57:36
    177ChildCareExp_11_15(0) InactiveOutput correct microdata, but not summary tables for ChildCareExpense, PotentialExpense, PotentialCopay vars2004-07-22 14:38:15
    178ChildCareExp_11_16(0) InactiveOutput correct microdata, but not summary tables for ChildCareExpense, PotentialExpense, PotentialCopay vars2004-07-22 14:47:46
    179ChildCareExp_11_17(0) InactiveOutput correct microdata, but not summary tables for ChildCareExpense, PotentialExpense, PotentialCopay vars2004-07-22 15:01:46
    180ChildCareExp_11_18(0) InactiveSummary tables now use concept of expense as "copay for families simulated to recieve subsidies, estimated expenses for everyone else."2004-07-22 15:44:01
    181ChildCareExp_11_19(0) Inactive2004-07-22 16:22:58
    182ChildCareExp_11_20(0) Inactive
  • Use the random number of the first eligible child when determining the unit's participation decision, rather than the average of all eligigble childrens' random numbers.
  • 2004-07-23 10:23:05
    183ChildCareExp_11_21(0) Inactive
  • Change hours breaks in Table C6B to 1-19, 20-34, 35+, and student.
  • 2004-07-23 11:48:14
    184ChildCareExp_11_22(0) Inactive
  • Change names of "PctReportersToNotparticipate" rule and associated variables to drop "Reporter" part from name.
  • While I'm at it, correct spelling of "particpate" to "participate"!
  • 2004-07-26 11:34:54
    185ChildCareExp_11_23(0) Inactive
  • Change handling of "PctToNotParticipate" rule so it applies to all units, not just reporters.
  • 2004-07-26 12:03:28
    186ChildCareExp_11_24(0) Inactive
  • In "GetUnitEarnings" function, replace reference to the "EarnedIncome" variablelist rule with the result variable "FamilyEarnings".
  • In "GetUnitIncomeLevel" function, replace reference to "GetUnitEarnings + GetUnitUnearnedIncome" with the result variable "FamilyGrossIncome".
  • Delete result variable "Part_UnitsEarnedIncome", "Part_UnitsUnearnedIncome", and "Part_Income".
  • Delete function "GetUnitUnearnedIncome".
  • Delete variablelist rules "EarnedIncome" and "UnearnedIncome"
  • 2004-07-26 13:18:55
    187ChildCareExp_11_25(0) InactiveMove C3E summary table columns down to accomodate extra work rows. Do not change any numbers. This is just to make sure the summary table columns are lined up.2004-07-26 15:43:51
    188ChildCareExp_11_26(0) InactiveMove C3E summary table columns down to accomodate extra work rows. Do not change any numbers. This is just to make sure the summary table columns are lined up.2004-07-26 15:46:21
    189ChildCareExp_11_27(0) Inactivetry to get table C3E right2004-07-26 16:24:29
    190ChildCareExp_11_28(0) Inactivetry to get table C3E right2004-07-26 16:30:57
    191ChildCareExp_11_29(0) Inactivetry to get table C3E right2004-07-26 16:49:16
    192ChildCareExp_11_30(0) Inactivetry to get table C3E right2004-07-26 16:52:38
    193ChildCareExp_11_31(0) Inactivego back to earlier version, get row alignment right for C3 E & P without trying to fill in correct columns2004-07-26 17:03:39
    194ChildCareExp_11_32(0) Inactivetry to get table C3E right2004-07-26 17:22:54
    195ChildCareExp_11_33(0) Inactivetry to get table C3E right2004-07-26 17:26:43
    196ChildCareExp_11_34(0) InactiveFix work status breaks in Tables C3E and P2004-07-26 17:35:45
    197ChildCareExp_11_35(0) Inactive
  • Change parental work status breaks in Tables C3E and C3P to be consistent with Table 6B
  • 2004-07-26 17:42:14
    198ChildCareExp_11_36(0) Inactive
  • Move all baseline-related processing to a new CCCBaseline class.
  • 2004-07-27 14:46:35
    199ChildCareExp_11_37(0) Inactive
  • Correct ParticipationOptions # 2 & #3 so Part_ChildsDecision variable is set whenever unit is set to participate.
  • 2004-07-27 16:37:31
    200ChildCareExp_11_38(0) Inactive
  • Fix Table 6A column breaks by checking for earnings as well as hours worked before assigning someone to the student column.
  • 2004-07-28 12:42:26
    201ChildCareExp_11_39(0) Inactive
  • Fix Table 6A column breaks by checking for earnings as well as hours worked before assigning someone to the student column.
  • 2004-07-28 14:08:24
    202ChildCareExp_11_40(0) Inactive
  • Fix Table 6A column breaks by checking for earnings as well as hours worked before assigning someone to the student column.
  • 2004-07-28 14:48:51
    203ChildCareExp_12_0(0) Inactive
  • Replace the Participate function "GetUnitEarnings" with just a reference to the variable "FamilyEarnings".
  • 2004-08-30 13:15:37
    204ChildCareExp_13_0(0) InactiveBegin programming monthly poverty2004-09-27 13:25:13
    205ChildCareExp_13_1(0) InactiveAdd array program rules DetailedPovertyThreshold_0 through 8; annual output variable MonthlyPovertyThreshld, monthly output variable MonthlyPctOfPoverty. Code doesn't do anything; I just want to make sure it runs.2004-09-27 14:10:15
    206ChildCareExp_13_2(0) InactiveWrite code outputting FamilySize, NumChildrenUnder18, MonthlyPovertyThreshold, and MonthlyPctOfPoverty2004-09-28 11:35:55
    207ChildCareExp_13_3(0) InactiveWrite code outputting FamilySize, NumChildrenUnder18, MonthlyPovertyThreshold, and MonthlyPctOfPoverty2004-09-28 12:13:08
    208ChildCareExp_13_4(0) Inactivecomment out all but SetThresholdMatrix()2004-09-28 12:15:41
    209ChildCareExp_13_5(0) Inactiveflip indices on Threshold matrix2004-09-28 12:42:24
    210ChildCareExp_13_6(0) Inactivetest Table C7, using IsEligibleAgeChild as proxy for demographic criteria2004-09-28 14:37:04
    211ChildCareExp_13_7(0) Inactivetest Table C7, using IsEligibleAgeChild as proxy for demographic criteria2004-09-28 14:43:38
    212ChildCareExp_13_8(0) Inactivetest Table C7, using IsEligibleAgeChild as proxy for demographic criteria2004-09-28 15:04:32
    213ChildCareExp_13_9(0) InactiveAdd marital status, work, earnings, and AFDC/TANF rows to Table C72004-09-29 12:49:08
    214ChildCareExp_13_10(0) InactiveAdd race/ethnicity rows to Table C72004-09-29 13:08:17
    215ChildCareExp_13_11(0) InactiveAdd age x marital status and age x work status rows to Table C7; change temp universe to eligible children not eligible-age children, for easy comparison with other tables2004-09-29 13:38:07
    216ChildCareExp_13_12(0) InactiveAdd age x marital status and age x work status rows to Table C7; change temp universe to eligible children not eligible-age children, for easy comparison with other tables2004-09-29 13:58:32
    217ChildCareExp_13_13(0) InactiveDo Table C7 correctly2004-09-29 16:59:52
    218ChildCareExp_13_14(0) Inactivecount SSI income of all disabled children under 18 for poverty calculation, not just kids under disabled age limit2004-10-04 15:22:39
    219ChildCareExp_13_15(0) Inactivecount SSI income of all disabled children 18 and under for poverty calculation, not just kids under disabled age limit2004-10-04 16:30:21
    220ChildCareExp_13_16(0) Inactivecount SSI income of all disabled children 18 and under for poverty calculation, not just kids under disabled age limit2004-10-04 17:43:16
    221ChildCareExp_14_0(0) Inactive
  • Add DetailedPovertyThreshold program rules.
  • Create output variables FamilySize, NumChildrenUnder18, MonthlyPovertyThreshold, MonthlyPctOfPoverty.
  • Create Table C7.
  • 2004-10-06 12:42:25
    222ChildCareExp_14_1(0) Inactivecomment out Tables A4-7 because 1997 and 1998 runs are bombing2004-10-06 13:17:21
    223ChildCareExp_14_2(0) Inactive
  • For tables A6 and A7, allow weight to be 0 (since for 1998 and 1997 input years some families have a weight of 0).
  • 2004-10-07 14:51:48
    224ChildCareExp_14_3(0) Inactivetemporarily comment out call to pHousehold->GetInflationRate (1993) because it's generating a frame error for 20032004-12-15 14:19:30
    225ChildCareExp_14_4(0) Inactiveadd output variables HeadIsNonworkingStudent and SpouseIsNonworkingStudent2004-12-16 11:32:14
    226ChildCareExp_14_5(0) Inactiveadd output variables HeadIsNonworkingStudent and SpouseIsNonworkingStudent2004-12-16 11:36:12
    227ChildCareExp_14_6(0) Inactiveadd output variables HeadIsNonworkingStudent and SpouseIsNonworkingStudent2004-12-16 12:35:54
    228ChildCareExp_15_0(0) Inactivefrom 14_6, prepare to make MI coding changes2005-05-06 14:56:05
    229ChildCareExp_15_1(0) Inactivehave code look at TotalChildCareExpense var, if it exists2005-05-09 11:38:10
    230ChildCareExp_15_2(0) Inactiveread in TotalChildCareValue variable list rule when the variable is available (for MI)2005-05-09 13:26:42
    231ChildCareExp_16_0(0) Inactiveoutput SumOfMaxRates for all fams with elig children; hope things don't go haywire2005-05-18 12:57:58
    232ChildCareExp_16_1(0) Inactiveoutput MaxReimbursableCost2005-05-18 14:06:14
    233ChildCareExp_16_2(0) Inactiveverify that table A8 is set up OK (values are just copied from S1)2005-05-18 14:32:49
    234ChildCareExp_16_3(0) Inactiveverify that table A8 is set up OK (values are just copied from S1)2005-05-18 14:38:47
    235ChildCareExp_16_4(0) Inactivedo table A82005-05-18 15:09:14
    236ChildCareExp_16_5(0) Inactivecalculate subsidy value2005-05-18 15:41:35
    237ChildCareExp_16_6(0) Inactiveinclude 13+ kids in table A82005-05-24 17:06:47
    238ChildCareExp_16_7(0) Inactivecount disabled kids correctly when MaxRateSchoolAged is null2005-05-25 12:22:36
    239ChildCareExp_16_8(0) Inactivecalculate subsidyvalue and childcareexpense correctly2005-05-26 14:57:41
    240ChildCareExp_16_9(0) Inactivecalculate subsidyvalue and childcareexpense correctly2005-05-26 15:46:15
    241ChildCareExp_16_10(0) Inactivecalculate subsidyvalue and childcareexpense correctly2005-05-26 15:50:09
    242ChildCareExp_16_11(0) Inactivecalculate subsidyvalue and childcareexpense correctly2005-05-26 15:59:42
    243ChildCareExp_16_12(0) Inactivecalculate subsidyvalue and childcareexpense correctly2005-05-26 16:12:27
    244ChildCareExp_16_13(0) Inactivecalculate subsidyvalue and childcareexpense correctly2005-05-26 16:34:10
    245ChildCareExp_16_14(0) Inactivecalculate subsidyvalue and childcareexpense correctly2005-05-26 16:42:40
    246ChildCareExp_16_15(0) Inactivesum up child support income of everyone in unit not just head and spouse2005-05-31 14:38:09
    247ChildCareExp_16_16(0) Inactivesum up child support income of everyone in unit not just head and spouse2005-05-31 14:49:32
    248ChildCareExp_17_0(0) Inactive1) Create TotalChildCareValue variable list rule and calculate ChildCareSubsidy for MI runs.

    2) Create variable list rule ChildSupportIncome to capture child support of all members of the unit, not just the adults.

    3) Create Table A8.
    2005-05-31 18:27:06
    249ChildCareExp_17_1(0) Inactive
  • Minor modification to correctly treat TotalChildCareValue as a monthly amount rather than annual.
    250ChildCareExp_17_2(0) Inactive17_1 with cummun.cpp included in project2006-02-17 10:57:33
    251ChildCareExp_17_3(0) Inactive
  • dotNet version which preserves integer truncation errors associated with use of GetWeeksPerMonth() frame call. Needed to reproduce earlier results using version 17.2 (same as 17.1 except commun.cpp included).
  • 2007-01-09 11:22:06
    252ChildCareExp_17_4(0) Inactive
  • DotNet compilation of version 17.2.
  • 2007-01-25 16:09:11
    253ChildCareExp_17_5(0) Inactive
  • DotNet Version of 17_2 (used for 2003 baseline) but with one added feature--will allow use of baseline expenses via national program rule UseBaselineExpForUnsubFamilies and variable list rule BaselineExpense.
  • 2007-02-09 14:48:28
    254ChildCareExp_18_0(0) Inactive
  • Initial development version only; should not be used; includes CChildCareExpUnit, which is incompatible with Sections.
    255ChildCareExp_18_1(0) Inactive
  • Includes new CChildCareExpUnit class.
  • Adjusts unit to include unmarried parents using TANF methodology
    256ChildCareExp_18_2(0) InactiveUNKNOWN
    257ChildCareExp_18_3(0) Inactive
  • Further coding to treat unmarried parents like spouse for MI simulations.
    258ChildCareExp_18_4(0) Inactive
  • Changed treatment of weeks per month so fractional portion is not lost.
  • Edited to use TotalChildCareValue from a program rule when available--i.e., for MI simulations.
  • Corrected adjustments for multiple children.
    259ChildCareExp_18_5(0) Inactive
  • Eliminated a section (SumOfCopayAmounts) that was returning incorrect values; no longer required.
    260ChildCareExp_18_6(0) InactiveUNKNOWN
    261ChildCareExp_18_7(0) Inactive
  • Reinstated SumOfCopayAmounts section. Even though this section is not required and is not referenced anywhere, it must be in place for this code to function correctly in the MI setup on Bacchus.
  • Also made minor changes in AdjustForMultChild that do not alter its results.
    262ChildCareExp_18_8(0) Inactive
  • Made two corrections for states using an hourly rate calculation--travel time of just 1/2 hour and separate calculation for each child in care with no further adjustment for multiple children.
  • 2006-02-17 11:00:43
    263ChildCareExp_19_0(0) Inactive
  • Recompiled for.NET. Matches 18.8
  • 2007-01-09 11:24:47
    264ChildCareExp_19_1(0) Inactive
  • Correct divide by zero errors in table A8
  • 2006-10-16 12:11:39
    265ChildCareExp_19_2(0) Inactive
  • Correct table C7 error--faulty month index
    266ChildCareExp_19_3(0) Inactive
  • Correct table C7 error--faulty month index
    267ChildCareExp_19_4(0) Inactive
  • Corrected divide by zero errors in multiple tables
  • 2007-01-09 11:26:51
    268ChildCareExp_20_0(0) Inactive
  • Replaced single reference to PctToNotParticipate to a new state-level rule, NoParticipationFraction.
  • 2007-01-09 11:29:23
    269ChildCareExp_21_0(0) Inactive
  • Add national rule UseBaselineExpForUnsubFamilies and variableList rule BaselineExpense.
  • The value of UseBaselineExpForUnsubFamilies was set to "No" for all exisitng simulations, so it will have no effect on their results.
  • 2007-02-01 13:39:06
    270ChildCareExp_22_0(0) Inactive
  • Same as Version 21_0 recompiled for frame change.
  • 2007-07-05 08:11:57
    271ChildCareExp_23_0(0) Inactive
  • Same as 22_0, but compatible with new frame.
  • 2007-10-25 12:04:53
    272ChildCareExp_23_1(0) Inactive
  • Added Table C6C, the AgeWorkIncome table that is routinely requested.
  • 2008-02-08 13:19:24
    273ChildCareExp_23_2(0) Inactive
  • Eliminated pointer deletions in destructor, as they caused debug run failures.
  • 2008-02-13 11:40:56
    274ChildCareExp_24_0(0) Inactive
  • Adds variable list program rule, UnrelatedHeadID, and uses it to modify the unit definition.
  • 2008-05-28 11:01:20
    275ChildCareExp_24_1(0) Inactive2008-05-30 11:57:17
    276ChildCareExp_24_2(0) Inactive
  • Functionally the same as 23_2, but contains partially developed inoperable coding for modifying the unit definition based on ExpUnrelatedHeadID.
  • 2008-05-30 11:57:29
    277ChildCareExp_24_3(0) Inactive
  • Modifies GetFirstChildID function consistent with TANF.
  • 2008-06-04 15:00:02
    278ChildCareExp_24_4(0) Inactive
  • In characteristic tables 3E, 3P and 7, bases marital status classification not only on MaritalStatus of the family head (the sole measure formerly used), but also on whether a child in the family has a parent in the household who has been placed in a separate family. Classifies such a family as one with a married family head--i.e., treats the unmarried parent the same as a spouse.
  • 2008-06-10 14:06:02
    279ChildCareExp_24_5(0) Inactive
  • Treats unmarried parents the same as spouses in additional parts of the code that were previously overlooked. Now included in expense imputation and in Table A3.
  • This version also reverses some coding intended for unmarried partner capability that was abandoned.
  • 2008-06-16 08:26:08
    280ChildCareExp_24_6(0) Inactive
  • Implements state rule StateToProcess.
  • 2008-06-25 09:13:33
    281ChildCareExp_24_7(0) Inactive
  • Corrects error introduced in version 24_5 in the FewestWeeksWorked function that inadvertently affected copays.
  • 2008-08-14 09:29:52
    282ChildCareExp_24_8(0) Inactive
  • Programs ParticipationOption 4 for CAP and state poverty work.
  • Technical change that does not affect results: added castings to prevent compiler warnings.
  • 2008-10-13 14:33:28
    283ChildCareExp_24_9(0) Inactive
  • Corrected pointer to unit functions to enable use of NonworkerBeginsWork program rule.
  • 2008-10-16 09:15:23
    284ChildCareExp_24_10(0) Inactive
  • Corrects inconsistency in primary eligibility tests and those contained within tables that occasionally resulted in run errors when Earnings form was modified.
  • 2008-10-30 16:59:22
    285ChildCareExp_24_11(0) Inactive
  • Adds alignment table A9.
  • 2008-10-31 12:18:23
    286ChildCareExp_25_0(0) Inactive
  • Adds program rule PctEarningsExpenseCap.
  • 2008-11-05 14:57:25
    287ChildCareExp_25_1(0) Inactive
  • Applies child care expense cap to single heads or to female spouses (treating unmarried parents the same as spouses).
  • 2008-11-05 16:30:46
    288ChildCareExp_25_2(0) Inactive
  • Modifies child care expense cap implementation. Imposes no cap when head (or female spouse) has no earnings.
  • 2008-11-06 09:47:06
    289ChildCareExp_25_3(0) Inactive
  • Modifies child care expense cap implementation. Sets child care expenses to zero when earnings are negative.
  • 2008-11-06 14:51:46
    290ChildCareExp_25_4(0) Inactive
  • Modifies child care expense cap implementation. Sets child care expenses to zero when earnings are negative. Uses unit cash income to compute cap for students with child care expenses when monthly earnings are zero.
  • 2008-11-06 16:54:52
    291ChildCareExp_25_5(0) Inactive
  • Makes treatment of negative earnings in tables consistently the same as in eligibility tests.
  • 2008-12-02 08:09:27
    292ChildCareExp_25_6(0) Inactive
  • Creates new output variable AnnualChildCareSubsidy, a family-level variable written to the head only.
  • For better comprehension only, enumerates UnitReporterType. Has no impact on results.
  • 2009-05-31 21:04:56
    293ChildCareExp_25_7(0) Inactive
  • Includes TableC6D developed for version 28_3. Included herein so that 2006 baseline results may be replicated with this table included.
  • 2009-10-01 12:58:45
    294ChildCareExp_26_0(0) Inactive
  • Currently being developed.
  • 2009-05-31 21:05:44
    295ChildCareExp_26_1(0) Inactive
  • Adds new program rules PovertyGuidelineUS, PovertyGuidelineAlaska, and PovertyGuidelineHawaii, replacing references to a hard-coded array.
  • Calculates FamilyPovertyRate based on poverty guidelines, replacing all references to the ASEC variable, FamilyPoverty.
  • Substitutes a broader measure of family income that includes TANF and SSI received by minor disabled children in computing the student non-earner cap.
  • 2009-06-01 16:31:04
    296ChildCareExp_26_2(0) Inactive
  • Correction to OtherOptions implementation.
  • 2009-06-05 15:48:58
    297ChildCareExp_27_0(0) Inactive
  • Added PartProbTANFAdjustment.
  • 2009-06-08 20:25:22
    298ChildCareExp_28_0(0) Inactive
  • Added FullCostOfCare form (used to adjust a child's simulated cost of care) to the Copay class.
  • 2009-09-24 21:31:36
    299ChildCareExp_28_1(0) Inactive
  • Active Release
  • Adds FullCostOfCare form (used to adjust a child's simulated cost of care) to the Copay class.
  • Adds new monthly results variable: AdjustedTotalCost.
  • Updates Table A9 with an additional column for a family's total adjusted costs.
  • 2009-09-25 13:01:08
    300ChildCareExp_28_2(0) Inactive2009-09-28 09:19:39
    301ChildCareExp_28_3(0) Inactive
  • AddS Table C6D similar to the AgeWorkIncome table (C6C) that is routinely requested by ASPE.
  • 2009-09-29 13:51:52
    302ChildCareExp_28_4(0) Inactive
  • Creates an alternative Table C7A to replace C7 and addS two more screening conditions to existing Table C7 to make the two tables identical when the disabled age ceiling is set to 18 and the minimum work hours requirement is lifted for all states. Shows all demographically eligible children by detailed categories.
  • Creates a Table C7B identical to C7A except it shows only fully-eligible children.
  • 2009-12-17 12:44:05
    303ChildCareExp_28_5(0) Inactive
  • Make FullCostOfCare form effective only if > 0.
  • 2010-01-21 09:29:32
    304ChildCareExp_28_6(0) Inactive
  • Add CopayIncomeFormula option 3 and CopayAdjustOption 11 for NY. The new CopayIncomeFormula option counts only income above a family's poverty guideline for the copay calculation. The new CopayAdjustOption assigns as a copay the lower of either the calculated copay amount or 10 percent of a family's gross income.
  • 2010-03-03 08:52:36
    305ChildCareExp_28_7(0) Inactive
  • Add another CopayLevel option for SD to use in conjunction with CopayAdjustOption.
  • 2010-03-03 14:17:36
    306ChildCareExp_28_8(0) Inactive
  • Corrects automatic participation and non-participation function beginning with simulation year 2007.
  • 2010-03-10 15:42:59
    307ChildCareExp_28_9(0) Inactive
  • Adds column to Table S1P.
  • 2010-06-22 08:53:01
    308ChildCareExp_28_10(0) Inactive
  • Adds a 5th column to Table S1P.
  • 2010-06-22 13:14:28
    309ChildCareExp_29_0(0) Inactive
  • Adds two new state rules--TempAlienEligible and IllegalAlienEligible and uses them in determining the categorical eligibility of children.
  • 2010-06-24 15:47:03
    310ChildCareExp_29_1(0) Inactive
  • Use a different family income measure for the copay percent of family income calculation in Table S1P. Use cash income before any exclusions, the same family income measure used by Table J1.
  • 2010-08-19 14:51:23
    311ChildCareExp_29_2(0) Inactive
  • Corrects 5th column in Table S1P so that only families with positive gross income are included in the calculation of copay percent of family income and corrects income measure used for 4th column.
  • Produces a new output variable, MonthlyCopayPercent, which is the monthly copay percent of family gross income paid by a participating family.
  • 2010-08-30 11:38:56
    312ChildCareExp_29_3(0) Inactive
  • Make an additional correction to the participation decision for alternative simulations using the probabilistic determination method.
  • 2011-02-03 13:23:49
    313ChildCareExp_29_4(1) Active
  • Includes a fifth ParticpationOption which is the same as option 4 except it does not model automatic participation by families who have baseline child care expenses.
  • 2011-09-08 17:38:31
    314ChildCareExp_29_5(2) Developers only
  • Functionally the same as version 29_4 but with minor syntax changes required for compiling in MS VisualStudio 2010.
  • 2014-05-01 11:50:49
    315ChildCareExp_30_0(0) Inactive
  • Same as version 29_4, but updates source code to be compatible with VS10 compiler.
  • Recompiled to be compatible with latest TRIM executable.
  • 2013-10-28 13:37:18
    316ChildCareExp_98_1(0) Inactive
  • CCDF participation, v4 (alloc flags).
  • 2004-06-28 11:49:04
    317ChildCareExp_98_2(0) Inactive
  • CCDF participation, add table B2.
  • 2004-07-07 14:46:18
    318ChildCareExp_98_3(0) Inactive
  • CCDF participation, add table B2 -- mods.
  • 2004-07-08 14:06:59
    319ChildCareExp_98_4(0) Inactive
  • CCDF participation, add tables A4 & A5.
  • 2004-07-09 14:14:53
    320ChildCareExp_98_5(0) Inactive
  • CCDF participation, add table A6.
  • 2004-07-11 09:24:20
    321ChildCareExp_98_6(0) Inactive
  • CCDF participation, add table A7.
  • 2004-07-11 11:15:20
    322ChildCareExp_98_7(0) Inactive
  • CCDF participation, Make "Set"s into "Get"s.
  • 2004-07-12 10:51:38
    323ChildCareExp_98_8(0) Inactive
  • CCDF participation, add Part_AutoParticipationStatus, and modify Part_UnitReporterType.
  • 2004-07-12 12:23:12
    324ChildCareExp_98_9(0) Inactive
  • CCDF participation, add table C3E and variables Part_UnitsEarnedIncome and Part_UnitsUnearnedIncome.
  • 2004-07-13 12:57:25
    325ChildCareExp_98_10(0) Inactive
  • CCDF participation, add tables: C3P S2E & S2P S1E & S1P C4E & C4P C5E & C5P
  • 2004-07-17 11:35:35
    326ChildCareExp_98_11(0) Inactivetest of marital status change #12004-07-22 15:42:45
    327ChildCareExp_98_12(0) Inactivetest of 11_22 random num name change.2004-07-26 12:48:18
    328ChildCareExp_99_0(0) Inactive
  • This is a DotNet Version derived from 17.2 (used for the 2003 baseline). It intentionally omits all features added or revised between 17.2 and 21.0 with one exception: it will allow use of baseline expenses via national program rule UseBaselineExpForUnsubFamilies and variable list rule BaselineExpense.
  • 2007-02-26 09:12:59
    329ChildCareExp_100_0(0) Inactive
  • This is a DotNet Version derived from 17.2 (used for the 2003 baseline). It intentionally omits all features added or revised between 17.2 and 21.0 with one exception: it will allow use of baseline expenses via national program rule UseBaselineExpForUnsubFamilies and variable list rule BaselineExpense.
  • 2007-02-26 11:22:29
    330ChildCareExp_100_1(0) Inactive
  • Permanent version. Version 100_0 revised to extend eligibility to under-employed and unemployed via new program rules EligibilityOfUnemployed and MonthsOfEligForUnemployed.
  • 2007-03-01 08:16:22
    331ChildCareExp_100_2(0) Inactive
  • Permanent CAP version. Version 100_1 revised to provide new participation option for families newly eligible due to simulated minimum wage increase.
  • 2007-03-19 14:27:04
    332ChildCareExp_100_3(0) Inactive
  • Permanent CAP version. Continuation of version 100_1 revision to extend eligibility to under-employed and unemployed via program rules EligibilityOfUnemployed and MonthsOfEligForUnemployed.
  • WARNING: Extended eligibility for underemployed has not been successfully implemented (invoked by state rule EligibilityOfUnemployed).
  • 2007-03-22 15:04:09
    333ChildCareExp_100_4(0) Inactive
  • Adds program rule PctEarningsExpenseCap.
  • 2008-11-05 12:38:12
    334ChildCareExp_100_5(0) Inactive
  • Same as 23.1 with work-around for a single household (95771).
  • 2008-08-12 13:29:43
    335ChildCareExp_100_6(0) Inactive
  • Eliminated error checks in tables C6B and C6C for quick turnaround work to avoid inconsistency in form inputs and checks in those tables.
  • 2008-08-13 09:42:52
    336ChildCareExp_100_7(0) Inactive
  • Same as 23_1, but for 4/13/09 frame.
  • 2009-06-08 20:26:49
    337ChildCareExp_100_8(0) Inactive
  • The same as version 27_0 except Table B1 has been altered to include children under 13 rather than children under 15.
  • 2009-09-13 19:04:45
    338ChildCareExp_100_9(0) Inactive
  • The same as version 25_5 except Table B1 has been modified to include children <13 instead of children <15.
  • 2009-09-13 19:10:18
    339ChildCareExp_100_10(0) Inactive
  • Eliminates work requirement, making all families categorically eligible (see SetIsFamilyCategEligible function).
  • 2009-12-30 21:28:49
    340ChildCareExp_100_11(0) Inactive
  • Comments out call to TableA4 in order to run old input schema data.
  • 2010-01-21 15:54:44