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UnemploymentComp version 7.1

Version History

TRIM’s Unemployment Compensation (UC) Module is designed to correct for the underreporting of UC in the CPS data, capture the additional UC benefits that will be paid when unemployment increases, and capture the impact of changes in UC rules (extended benefits, supplemental payments) for both baseline UC recipients and new UC recipients in an alternative simulation.

Key points in the UC module’s design include:

  • The module is designed to be run prior to the simulations of government programs, so that UC variables created by the module can be used as input in simulating those programs. However, in an alternative scenario that uses the “JobChange” module to alter employment status, the UC module will be run after the JobChange module.
  • The UC module operates on an annual basis in determining UC eligibility and receipt, but will create monthly UC benefit amounts.
  • The module’s monthly UC benefit variables are intended to replace the monthly UC benefit amounts currently generated by TRIM3’s conversion process.
  • The module does not remove any reported UC data from the input data set, with one exception: the module removes those who meet all of the following three conditions: 1) reported receiving UC; 2)reported 52 weeks of full-time work; 3) their full-record or reported UC were allocated by the Census Bureau. Other than this exception, this initial version of the module assumes all reported UC as accurate (including UC imputed by the Census Bureau). Further, in a baseline simulation, for individuals with CPS-reported UC, the annual amount is unaltered from the CPS-reported amount.
  • Key state-level variation in UC eligibility and benefits will be captured.

The UC module first determines categorical eligibility for UC based on a worker’s sector of employment. Second, variables necessary to calculate monetary eligibility are estimated. Third, monetary eligibility is determined. Fourth, weeks of benefit receipt are assigned. Fifth, any additional provisions such as a temporary additional UC supplement are added to potential benefits. Sixth, participation is determined. Finally, monthly amounts are assigned. Each step, when possible, will capture some of the important variation in UC rules across states. Below, for each step, the real-world rules are summarized, and the proposed design is presented. Differences in operation between baseline simulations and alternative simulations are noted.

The following sections provide details on the design of the UC Module:

Categorical Eligibility

In general, workers qualifying for UC must have lost their job through no fault of their own (“good cause”) and must be able-bodied, available to work, and actively seeking work. Workers from certain sectors do not qualify for UC, while these sectors can vary from state-to-state they generally include: the self-employed, insurance and real-estate agents on commission, volunteers, part-time work for nonprofit organizations, student nurses and interns in the employ of a hospital, and students in work-study programs. A great number of exceptions and additions to this exist that occur only in a few states and affect relatively small groups.

First, an individual who reported UC will be assumed to be categorically eligible for UC. Then, in determining if a non-reporter will be assigned UC in a baseline, and in modeling whether newly-unemployed people in an alternative simulation are eligible for UC, the model applies the key categorical eligibility requirements.

The module begins by restricting eligibility to those over the age specified by the program rule MinAgeAdult. Because this first implementation of the UC Module requires earnings data in order to determine monetary eligibility, the module then further restricts categorical eligibility to those with LastWeeksWorked > 0. Then it further restricts categorical eligibility to individuals with any weeks of unemployment during the calendar year. Within that group, the following individuals will be considered ineligible for UC: those receiving any disability income during the year, the self-employed, railroad workers, students, and real-estate workers. These workers can be identified using CPS variables defining sector of employment, student status, and industry.

At the end of the categorical eligibility test, the output variable CategoricallyEligible is set. If during the test, the worker fails the test, the debug output variable ReasonNotEligible is set with the corresponding failure code.

Estimating Variables for Calculating Monetary Eligibility and Benefit Amounts

A person is only eligible for UC if s/he has been sufficiently attached to the labor force. The data required to determine labor force attachment include Base Period Wages (BPW), High Quarter Wages (HQW), and Wages in the 2 Highest Quarters (2HQ)—these data are in-turn used to calculate the potential Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA). The BPW is the total earnings during the four quarters of the base period, the HQW is the total earnings for the highest quarter observed within the base period, and the 2HQ is the average one quarter earnings over the two highest quarters of earnings within the base period.

In the case of individuals with survey-reported UC benefits, monetary eligibility will be assumed, and the WBA is inferred from survey-reported annual UC amounts, weeks unemployed, weeks not in labor force, and weeks part-time. However, in other cases, the UC Module estimates BPW, HQW, and 2HQ; these, then these variables used to determine the potential Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA).

The module estimates the necessary monetary eligibility variables as follows, for different subgroups of individuals:

UC reporters: If an individual reported receiving UC, then this person will be assumed to be both categorically and monetarily eligible.

Non-reporters with no wage data: If an unemployed individual did not report any wage data (s/he was unemployed or out of the labor force the entire year), it is not possible (in this version of the UC module) to calculate monetary eligibility or a potential benefit amount. Thus, non-reporters with no CPS-reported wage data are removed from the pool of potential eligible nonreporters during the categorical eligibility test.

Non-reporter, with wage data: If the unemployed individual did not report UC benefits but does have CPS-reported wage data, then the module will estimate all of these variables including BPW, HQW, 2HQ and the potential WBA. For workers with some unemployment for whom an entire year of wages were not observed, the module provides three methods, selected with the national-level program rule EligVarsEstimateMethod, to the analyst for estimating monetary eligibility variables:

  • Method 1: Assume the first period of employment represents the worker’s typical wages. This method figures out what the worker’s average weekly (AWW) wage was during their first spell of employment and then calculates HQW = 13 weeks*AWW, 2HQ =26 weeks*AWW and BPW=52 weeks*AWW.
  • Method 2: Assume actual observed wages represent typical annual wages. This method divides the monthly Input schema wage data into quarters and sets HQW to the quarter with the highest wages, 2HQ to the two quarters (they don’t have to be consecutive) of highest wages, and the BPW as the annually reported wages.
  • Method 3: Use as much of the actual observed data as possible and fill in spells of unemployment with a guess based on the first month’s earnings. This method calculates the average weekly wage (AWW) in January of the Input schema data and then fills in any spells of unemployment in the monthly Input schema data with the AWW. Then, similar to Method 2, the monthly data is divided into quarters and sets HQW to the quarter with the highest wages, 2HQ to the two quarters (they don’t have to be consecutive) of highest wages, and the BPW as the annually reported wages.

Those simulated in an Alternate Scenario to have lost their job through the Job Change Module: In an alternative scenario, some may lose their job through the Job Change Module. The UC Module checks the variable list program rule JobChanged in order to determine if this person’s Input schema data has been altered. If the person was altered by Job Change then the UC Module checks to the program rule JobChangeEligVarEstimationMode to determine whether or not to recalculate the workers BPW, HQW, and 2HQ variables with Method 2 (above), or use the original data calculated during the baseline run whose method was selected them by the program rule EligVarsEstimateMethod. If JobChangeEligVarEstimationMode specifies that the monetary eligibility variables should be recalculated in the alternate scenario, then the UC Module uses the variable list program rules BaselineMonthlyEarnings and BaselineMonthlyWeeksWorked (which should be set to variables containing the original Input schema earnings data) as the monthly input data for estimating BPW, HQW, and 2HQ.

In cases when BPW, HQW and 2HQ are estimated the next step is to estimate the WBA. In order to capture some of the key variation between states, the UC Module estimates the WBA based on a grouping of the state-specific formulas--the formulas, which are selected by the state-level program rule WBACalcMethod, are as follows:

  1. High-Quarter Method
    Formula: WBA=WBACalMultiplier*HQW

  2. Two-High-Quarter Method
    Formula: WBA=WBACalMultiplier*2HQ

  3. Annual-Wage Method
    Formula: WBA=WBACalMultiplier*BPW

Once the potential WBA is calculated using the appropriate formula, then it is subject to a state-specific minimum and maximum, which are set using the program rules MinWBA and MaxWBA. With the Two-High-Quarter Method, if a person’s estimated WBA is less than the minimum WBA for the state, the code assumes that estimates were incorrect, and the person is not considered monetarily eligible.

There is also a state-level program rule by which the analyst can reduce the WBA by a parameterized percentage PercSSReductionToWBA if the unemployed worker is receiving social security.

At the end of the routines to estimate monetary eligibility variables, the output variables BasePeriodWages, HighQuarterWages, TwoHighQuarterWages and WeeklyBenefitAmount are set to the values calculated.

Monetary Eligibility

Monetary eligibility is assumed for individuals with CPS-reported UC. For others, the module will use the values estimated earlier to simulate if an unemployed person is eligible for UC. The key characteristics of monetary eligibility were broken down into groupings based on the “primary figure and method used” for determining eligibility—the module uses five groupings: Multiple of High-Quarter Wages (HQW), Multiple of Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA), Flat Qualifying Amount, Minimum Average Wage for 2 High Quarters (2HQ), and separate threshold tests for wages in the High Quarter (HQ) and wages outside the HQ. The method to be used for each state is specified by the analyst with the program rule MonetaryEligMethod.

  1. Multiple of High-Quarter Wages
    Formula: BPW>=MonetaryEligMultiplier*HQW

  2. Multiple of Weekly Benefit Amount
    Formula: BPW >= MonetaryEligMultiplier*WBA

  3. Flat Qualifying Amount
    Formula: BPW >= MonetaryEligVal1

  4. Minimum Average Wage for 2 High Quarters
    Formula: 2HQ >= MonetaryEligVal1

  5. Eligibility based on separate threshold values for earnings inside the worker’s HQ and earnings outside the worker’s HQ
    Formula: HQW >= MonetaryEligVal1 AND (BPW-HQW) >= MonetaryEligVal2

There is an additional parameterized state-level constraint, MonetaryEligWagesIn2Q, that if set requires a worker to have at least two quarters.

Potential Benefit Weeks

The UC Module parameterizes the potential benefit weeks for regular (MaxRegUCBenefitWeeks), extended (MaxEBUCBenefitWeeks) and temporarily authorized (MaxTempAuthUCBenefitWeeks) unemployment benefit programs. Actual simulated benefit weeks for UC reporters are determined based on CPS-reported UnemploymentCompensation, observed length of the spell of unemployment or part-time employment for the worker, and state-specific minimum and maximum restrictions on WBA.

If a person is unemployed for more weeks than can be covered by regular benefits, the module assigns extended and temporarily authorized unemployment benefits. These assignments are made to eligible nonreporters in the baseline and alternate scenarios and UC reporters in an alternate scenario if the total number of potential benefit weeks increased. The module limits total benefit weeks to the maximum number of eligible benefit weeks and actual benefit receipt is determined by actual weeks the worker is unemployed for eligible nonreporters. For UC reporters, benefits received is the same as UnemploymentCompensation reported in the Input schema data; this UC is allocated with preference for 1) weeks of unemployment, 2) week not in the labor force, 3) weeks working part-time, 4) weeks working full-time.

Other Provisions

The national-level program rule FACUnemploymentCompSupplementalPayment is added to the added to calculated WBA. This program rule is useful for modeling temporary, national-level increases to unemployment compensation WBAs.

The state-level program rules StateUCDepChildAllowanceVal, StateUCDepChildAllowanceType, StateUCDepChildMax, StateUCDepChildMax, and StateUCDepChildMaxAmount can be used to simulate state-specific rules for child dependent allowances. Similar rules are also provided to simulate dependent spouse allowances as well.

Participation Decision

The UC Module assumes that nearly everyone who is actually eligible for unemployment compensation applies for the benefit. However, because the module will not be able to precisely identify who is eligible for benefits (we observe only limited data on wage history, and we do not know the circumstances of a person’s job loss or if s/he has already used up her/his benefits) we expect that the total number of non-reporters we identify as eligible for UC in a baseline will exceed the total number who actually receive UC.

Alignment with target administrative data can be accomplished with the regional (based on the nine Census divisions) probability of participation program rules as well as participation adjustment factors for alignment by gender, age, race/ethnicity, state, and industry.

In addition, the national-level program rule ProbGoodCauseSeparation allows the analyst to provide a probability that any given worker lost their job through no fault of their own or left with “good cause.”

In an alternative simulation, assuming their was not change to the probabilities of participation or eligibility criteria, those simulated to receive unemployment compensation in the baseline should also receive unemployment compensation in the alternative.

Correcting for Underreporting of UC in the CPS Data

A key function of the UC Module is its ability to correct for the underreporting of UC benefits in the CPS data. UC benefits are assigned to a subset of the individuals who have a spell of unemployment and who appear to qualify for benefits and are selected to participate. In addition, all survey-reported UC recipients will retain their survey-reported benefits, with one limited exception for those working 52 weeks full-time whose UC benefits or entire records were allocated by census.

Assigning Monthly Amounts

For individuals with annual UC – either survey-reported or assigned in the module – the UC module creates 12 monthly amounts, MonthlyUnemploymentComp, indicating how much UC was received in each month of the year. The monthly number of weeks of UC is assigned in the variable MonthlyWeeksUnemploymentComp.

For individuals with survey-reported UC, the monthly variables are created such that the individual does not receive UC for more than the maximum possible weeks and the annual amount remains the same as reported in the survey. When possible the weekly amount is within the min and max possible range in his/her state. For UC reporters, the module first calculates the estimated WBA based on the annual UC reported and the lesser of the maximum possible UC weeks and the weeks of unemployment reported. If the initially-calculated WBA is outside of the minimum and maximum possible in the person’s state, we will reset it to within that range, and we will modify the weeks of receipt as necessary. Monthly UC amounts will then be generated using the final WBA and the final weeks of receipt, starting from the first week of unemployment. The initial start month of UC receipt is randomly assigned. The analyst can specify the treatment of allocated reporters with the program rule ReporterOptions. Under the current version, with this rule the analyst has two options: 1) treat reporters of UC (allocated or not) as true reporters; or 2) remove some reported UC from workers reporting 52 weeks of full-time work and either the record or the reported UC were allocated by Census.

For individuals without survey-reported UC and for those who have lost their job through Job Change, the creation of monthly UC income variables is straightforward, since there is no need to retain consistency with an already-reported amount. The person will be assumed to receive UC for the lesser of his/her weeks of unemployment and the maximum weeks of potential UC (regular plus any extensions). The benefit amount will be the WBA (computed as described above). That benefit amount will be assigned to each week, starting with the first week of unemployment.

The UC Module does not model a waiting period.

UC Module Inputs

Program Rules Summary


Indicates whether a simulation is Baseline or Alternate mode. Baseline mode should only be specified when creating a new baseline run, as when the alignment process is done each year. Alternate mode can recreate a baseline run if no other UnemploymentComp paramters have been changed from their baseline values. The default is usually set to Alternate.
Value Description
0 alternate simulation
1 baseline simulation

A national-level program rule with which the analyst can specify how the simulation should treat allocated reporters of UC.
Value Description
0 Never Remove Any UC from UC Reporters Including Allocated Reporters
1 Remove UC from Allocated Reporters with 52 weeks of Full-Time Work

Probability of UC reporter receiving a one-month lag in their simulated receipt of UC. Note, if the value of this rule is not zero then the program rule RandomNumUnemploymentCompLag should also be set.


A national-level program rule specifying the method to use in estimating monetary eligibility variables for base period wages, high-quarter wages and two-high-quarter wages.
Value Description
0 First Spell of Employment Represents Typical Annual Wages
1 Survey Reported Wages Represent Typical Annual Wages
2 Use Available Reported Wages and Backfill Based On First Observation

A national-level program rule specifying for those simulated to lose their job by Job Change whether to use the unmodified originally reported earnings data or the data modified by the program rule EligVarsEstimateMethod in the baseline run.
Value Description
0 Use the method applied to the data in the baseline simulation
1 Use the unmodified original reported CPS earnings data

A state-level program rule giving the value of the maximum WBA allowed by the state.

A national-level program rule giving the minimum age at which to consider an individual potentially eligible for UC benefits.

A state-level program rule giving the value of the minimum WBA allowed by the state.

A state-level program rule giving the value of the multiplier to be used when using either the Multiple of High-Quarter Wages or Multiple of Weekly Benefit Amount methods of determining monetary eligibility.

A state-level program rule indicating the method to use in determining monetary eligibility.
Value Description
0 Multiple of High-Quarter Wages
1 Multiple of Weekly Benefit Amount
2 Flat Qualifying Amount
3 Minimum Average Wage for Two-High Quarters
4 Thresholds for Inside-HQ and Outside-HQ Earnings

A state-level program rule giving the value to be used as the parameterized amount when using either the Flat Qualifying Amount or the Minimum Average Wage for 2 High Quarters methods of determining monetary eligibility. When using the Inside-Outside High-Quarter Method, this program rule will contain the value to be compared against the high quarter wages.

A state-level program rule giving the value to be compared against the wages outside of the high quarter when using the Inside-Outside High-Quarter Method.

A state-level program rule indicating whether or not to apply an additional eligibility test requiring the worker to have wages > 0 in at least two quarters.
Value Description
0 No
1 Yes

A state-level program rule specifying the percentage by which to reduce the weekly benefit amount if the unemployed worker receives Social Security payments.

A state-level program rule indicating the method to use in calculating the WBA.
Value Description
0 High-Quarter Method
1 Two-High-Quarter Method
2 Annual-Wage Method

A state-level program rule giving the value of the multiplier to use when calculating the WBA.


A national-level program rule giving the dollar amount with which to supplement regular and extended program Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA) payments.

A state-level program rule giving the maximum number of potential benefit weeks available in the state through the Extended Benefits (EB) program. If Extended Benefits are unavailable in the state, then this program rule should be set to 0.

A state-level program rule giving the maximum number of potential regular UC benefit weeks available in each state. If regular benefits are unavailable in the state, then this program rule should be set to 0.

A state-level program rule giving the maximum number of potential benefit weeks available in the state through a temporarily authorized extended benefits program (for example, EUC08 Tiers I-IV). If temporarily authorized extended benefits are unavailable in the state, then this program rule should be set to 0.


A national-level rule to specify the probability of a given worker leaving their job with "good cause."

Probability of participation for eligible unemployed workers in the East North Central region.

Probability of participation for eligible unemployed workers in the East South Central region.

Probability of participation for eligible unemployed workers in the Middle Atlantic region.

Probability of participation for eligible unemployed workers in the Mountain region.

Probability of participation for eligible unemployed workers in the New England region.

Probability of participation for eligible unemployed workers in the Pacific region.

Probability of participation for eligible unemployed workers in the South Atlantic region.

Probability of participation for eligible unemployed workers in the West North Central region.

Probability of participation for eligible unemployed workers in the West South Central region.

This parameter can be used to set a minimum number of weeks a UC recepient must be looking for work before receiving UC.

Multiplicative adjustments to make to the (adjusted) probability of participation by age.

Multiplicative adjustments to make to the (adjusted) probability of participation by gender.

Multiplicative adjustments to make to the (adjusted) probability of participation by industry.

Multiplicative adjustments to make to the (adjusted) probability of participation by race and ethnicity.

Multiplicative adjustments to make to the (adjusted) probability of participation by state.

Inputs from Other Simulations

Specifies the variable which indicates if the entire supplemental part of the CPS survey was allocated by Census. The variable specified should usually be AllocFlag665 (CPS name FL-665). If no variable is specified, TRIM will assume that no one had the supplement allocated. Note that this flag has a different coding than other allocation flags. A value of 1 means NOT allocated. All other values give technical reasons for the allocation.

Specifies the variable which indicates whether the amount of unemployment compensation reported was allocated.

Specifies the variable which indicates whether receipt of unemployment compensation has been allocated.

Total annual amount of UC assigned during a basline run.

Total annual amount of UC weeks compensated during a basline run.

The value of the national-level program rule FACUnemploymentCompSupplementalPayment giving the dollar amount with which to supplement regular and extended program Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA) payments used during the baseline simulation.

A debug variable specifying the additional amount of UC that remained, if any, once UC for UC reporters had been assigned to weeks unemployed and weeks not in labor force in the baseline scenario.

Total annual amount of UC assigned during a basline run.

The assigned UC weekly benefit amount for this worker in the baseline run.

Total annual amount of UC weeks compensated during a basline run.

The estimated total wages earned during the unemployed worker's base period, as estimated during the Baseline run.

Indicates whether or not a person has been determined to be categorically eligible for Unempoyment Compensation in the Baseline run. Yes=1, No=0.

The estimated high quarter wages earned during the unemployed worker's base period, as estimated during the Baseline run.

Indicates whether or not a person has been determined to be monetarily eligible for Unempoyment Compensation in the Baseline run. Yes=1, No=0.

The workers monthly earnings as reported in the baseline simulation.

Monthly UC assigned during a basline run.

Monthly UC weeks compensated assigned during a basline run.

The workers monthly weeks worked as reported in the baseline simulation.

Total number of potential benefit weeks that a worker may receive benefits over assigned during a baseline run.

The estimated two-high-quarter wages earned during the unemployed worker's base period, as estimated during the Baseline run.

Indicates whether this worker was selected to participate in the UC program in the baseline run.

The weekly benefit amount of Unemployment Compensation paid to the unemployed worker as calculated in the Baseline run.

Indicates whether this worker's job was changed through the use of JobChange or another module.

UC Module Outputs

Annual Regular Output

The annual total dollars of UC assigned to the unemployed worker by the UC module.

The annual total number of weeks of UC receipt assigned to the unemployed worker by the UC module.

Set to 1 if this person was an eligible nonreporter of UC and was assigned UC benefits.

The value of the national-level program rule FACUnemploymentCompSupplementalPayment giving the dollar amount with which to supplement regular and extended program Weekly Benefit Amount (WBA) payments used during the simulation.

The identifier of the region this person resides in.

The weekly benefit amount assigned to the unemployed worker by the UC module.

The estimated total wages earned during the unemployed worker's base period.

Indicates whether or not a person has been determined to be categorically eligible for Unempoyment Compensation. Yes=1, No=0.

The estimated high quarter wages earned during the unemployed worker's base period.

Indicates whether or not a person has been determined to be monetarily eligible for Unempoyment Compensation. Yes=1, No=0.

The total number of weeks of unemployment the unemployed worker is eligible to receive.

The estimated two-high-quarter wages earned during the unemployed worker's base period.

Set to 1 if this person participates (i.e., receives benefits from) the UC program.

The weekly benefit amount of Unemployment Compensation paid to the unemployed worker.

Annual Debug Output

A debug variable specifying the additional amount of UC that remained, if any, once UC for UC reporters had been assigned to weeks unemployed and weeks not in labor force.

Whether the unemployed worker is a UC reporter or non-reporter.

The total earnings earned by the unemployed worker during their first spell of employment of the year.

The length in weeks of the unemployed worker's first spell of employment of the year.

The reason this worker in ineligible for UC.

Monthly Regular Output

The amount of UC received each month.

The amount of UC weeks compensated received each month.

Monthly Debug Output

A debug variable to indicate for UC reporters on the CPS survey, the amount of UC assigned during full-time employment each month.

A debug variable to indicate for UC reporters on the CPS survey, the amount of UC assigned during weeks not in the labor force (NILF) each month.

A debug variable to indicate for UC reporters on the CPS survey, the amount of UC assigned during part-time employment each month.

A debug variable to indicate for UC reporters on the CPS survey, the amount of UC assigned during weeks unemployed each month.